We investigate the basic laws that determine the global structure and
metal abundance of elliptical galaxies. The existence of the Fundament
al Plane has been considered to imply that the virial theorem is the o
nly structural constraint for giant ellipticals. However, we show that
giant ellipticals do not uniformly cover the Fundamental Plane, but a
re located in a band which is not the result of selection effects. Thi
s 'Fundamental Band' implies a second constraint between scalelength a
nd galaxy mass. On the basis of this result, we present a new framewor
k in which the structure and metal abundance of giant ellipticals are
determined by only three fundamental relations: M is-proportional-to R
[upsilon2], M is-proportional-to R(zeta) and Z is-proportional-to [ups
ilon2]xi, where M is the galaxy mass, R is the half-mass radius, [upsi
lon2] is the mean square speed of the system's stars and Z is the aver
age metallicity of the stellar population; zeta and xi are constants.
Xi is uniquely determined from the observations. The value of zeta, ho
wever, depends on the assumed scaling laws that relate M and R to the
observed luminosity and half-light radius. We assume M/L is-proportion
al-to M(eta) and R/R(e) is-proportional-to M(lambda). The two constant
s eta and lambda are mutually constrained by observations, but their v
alues are not uniquely determined. All the wide variety of observed gl
obal correlations can be derived as simple combinations of these funda
mental relations. This simple framework provides new insights into the
intrinsic differences between giant and dwarf ellipticals. The observ
ed universality of the luminosity- and metallicity-velocity dispersion
correlations strongly suggests a simple solution within our framework
in which zeta, xi and eta adopt the same values for both dwarf and gi
ant ellipticals. In this case, we show that the dependence of R/R(e) o
n galaxy mass is the only difference between the two galaxy families.
We compare this framework with a theoretical scenario of galaxy format
ion that combines the hierarchical clustering and the galactic wind mo
dels. This picture provides a consistent explanation of the fundamenta
l relations of all elliptical galaxies, assuming R/R(e) approximately
constant for dwarf ellipticals while, for giant ellipticals, we find t
hat R/R(e) must be a decreasing function of galaxy mass.