Every year great quantities of chrome tanned leather wastes produced b
y the footwear and clothing industries are buried or burned. These pra
ctices produce several contaminants that are released into the environ
ment. An alternative to disposing of these wastes is to reuse them. In
this work, a method to use these wastes as filler in a polymer matrix
is proposed. Also, a technique for processing the composite obtained
by continuous extrusion is demonstrated. To evaluate this technique, a
series of PVC-leather fiber composites were prepared and extruded thr
ough a flat die to produce sheets. The process produced a leather-like
sheet that could be used in several applications. The influence of th
e filler content on the processability and the final properties of the
composite sheets were evaluated. The tests revealed that the sheets a
re flexible and exhibit sufficient water absorption to be suitable for
several applications in the footwear and clothing industry. Finally,
the tests show that this composite can be formulated and processed at
high productivity levels and at a low cost.