The rapid development of computer telecommunication. and other technol
ogy has led to the growth of new forms of transnational crime, especia
lly computer related crime. Computer-related crime has virtually no bo
undaries and does or may affect every country in this world. The repor
t seeks to be a working document, discusses the phenomenon of computer
-related crime, nature and classification of computer related crime. T
he report summarises the work done in the area of computer-related cri
me internationally, the acts/amendments enacted by several countries a
nd discusses the need for promotional programme to create the awarenes
s and enactment of necessary legislation in the country for the preven
tion of computer related crime. The report also identifies other sourc
e of information to which any one interested may refer to obtain detai
led information, Given the complex and volatile world of computers and
telecom, even though this paper presents a grim and ominous view of t
he field, the reality of being butter safe than sorry has to be realis