After a brief historical introduction the literature that has appeared
on coping since the middle eighties is reviewed. Theoretically Lazaru
s' concept of transactional coping has been developed with focus on em
otions. Antonovsky's salutogenesis is considered to be innovative. Met
hodology is discussed in view of instruments, observers time and persp
ective and need for qualitative evaluation. Clinically it must be conc
luded from the many cross-sectional comparisons that diseases with com
parable demands call for similar coping. Only in long-term studies can
stage-dependent differences of efficacy be detected. Active, tackling
coping based on social and emotional resources and problem-analysis i
s significantly superior to passive coping with social withdrawal, rum
inating, resignation and self-accusation. More recently interest in co
ping is extended to families and caretakers of patients. It is conclud
ed that more corresponding with stress-research is needed, methodology
should be adjusted and in view of important intervention strategies e
valuation of efficacy is necessary.