We have previously described a low-molecular-weight DNA polymerase (52
kDa) from wheat embryo: DNA polymerase CI (pol CI). This enzyme share
s some biochemical properties with animal DNA polymerase beta (pol bet
a). In this report, we analyse pol CI in wheat embryo germination. Imm
unodetection and measurement of the enzyme activity show that wheat po
l CI remains at a constant level during germination, whereas dramatic
changes of the replicative DNA polymerase A and B activities were prev
iously reported. We observe that the level of pol CI in physiological
conditions (embryo germination and dividing cell culture) is in agreem
ent with a pol beta-type DNA polymerase. By microsequencing of the ele
ctroblotted 52 kDa polypeptide, we determined the sequence of a dodeca
peptide from the N-terminal region. A comparative analysis of the N-te
rminal pol CI peptide with some mammalian pol beta sequences shows a c
lear homology with helix 1 of the N-terminal ssDNA domain (residues 15
to 26) of the rat pol beta. Thus, the helical structure of this regio
n should be conserved in the wheat peptide. This represents the first
evidence of a partial primary structure of a beta-type DNA polymerase
in plants.