The Periotron is an instrument designed to quantify submicrolitre volu
mes of fluid sampled on a filter paper strip. To date 3 models have be
en manufactured: the Periotron 600 (1976), the Periotron 6000 (1983) a
nd more recently the Periotron 8000 (1995). This paper investigated fo
r the first time the calibration characteristics and reliability of th
e Periotron 8000. The fluids under investigation were: de-ionised wate
r, human serum, fetal bovine serum and an ultrafiltrate of fetal bovin
e serum. Quantitative analysis was studied by recording a series of Pe
riotron readings over a volume range of 0-1.0 mu l for each fluid. The
average of 5 Periotron values for each particular fluid was then plot
ted versus the respective fluid volume. Qualitative changes in fluid c
omposition versus Periotron Scores were also analysed. Volume conversi
on for Periotron scores using both Periotron MLCONVRT software and a b
est fit equation selected from TableCurve 2D software compared well. T
he results of this study revealed that: 1)differences in calibration f
luid composition (e.g. protein content) are reflected in the Periotron
scores 2) positioning of filter paper strip between the jaws of the P
eriotron should be standardised, 3) calibration of the Periotron 8000
seems to be consistent over a I-wk interval.