We conducted field experiments in 1994 and 1995 to determine whether f
leshy fruits consumed by North American, migrant passerines are antago
nistic, complementary, or perfectly substitutable resources. Joint con
sumption of resources that are antagonistic results in reduced fitness
, whereas joint consumption of those that are complementary resources
results in increased fitness, than would be predicted from consumption
of a linearly weighted sum of the two (or more) resources. Joint cons
umption of perfectly substitutable resources results in fitness equal
to that predicted by consumption of the linearly weighted sum of the r
esources. Of ten pairs of fruit species tested, eight exhibited resour
ce complementarity (sign test, P < 0.05); however, the strength of com
plementarity varied among the species pairs. In the two comparisons in
which evidence for complementarity was not found, most fruit consumpt
ion appeared to have been accomplished by seed predators rather than t
rue frugivores (house finches, Carpodacus mexicanus, in one case, and
eastern chipmunk, Tamias striatus, in a second). In a replication of t
he second comparison, most consumption of one fruit species was due to
a flock of starlings (Sturnus vulgaris), a species lacking sucrase ac
tivity (which may help explain the result). We suggest that resource c
omplementarily is generally common among fruits, which may help explai
n why so few frugivores are found to specialize on only a single or ev
en a small number of fruit species. Resource complementarity has impor
tant implications for the ecological and evolutionary interactions of
avian frugivores and fruit-producing plants. The biochemical and physi
ological bases of complementarity are unknown, but could involve nutri
ents, secondary metabolites/toxins, or both.