Surface-adsorbed NO figures largely in the mechanism that produces vis
ible glow around spacecraft in low Earth orbit (LEO). In view of the p
otential interference to optical observations such a glow represents,
we have investigated the collision-induced desorption of NO from Al, N
i, and Z306 Chemglaze(R)-coated surfaces at 96 K by hyperthermal (8 km
/s) oxygen atoms. The removal of surface NO was followed by the monito
ring of the visible fluorescence of electronically excited NO2. produc
ed through the surface-mediated reaction O+NO. A variability in collis
ional desorption rate with material was observed. The limited data sug
gest a removal efficiency of 4 to 8% of the impinging O atom flux. Imp
lications for the atmospheric scouring of contaminants from external s
urfaces of LEO spacecraft are discussed.