A free-electron maser (FEM) has been built as a pilot experiment for a
millimetre-wave source for applications on future fusion research dev
ices such as ITER, the International Tokamak Experimental Reactor. A u
nique feature of the Dutch fusion FEM is the possibility to tune the f
requency over the entire range from 130 to 260 GHz at an output power
exceeding 1 MW. In the first phase of the project, the so-called inver
se set-up is used. The electron gun is mounted inside the high-voltage
terminal. The entire beam line was tested successfully with extremely
low loss current, lower than 0.05%. The first generation of millimetr
e waves was achieved in October 1997. The highest peak power measured
so far is 700 kW at 200 GHz. This was achieved with a beam current of
8 A and an acceleration voltage of 1.77 MV. The output power, start-up
time and frequency correspond well with the simulation results. The p
arameter scans for the longitudinal undulator gap. acceleration voltag
e and reflection coefficient have given a wide range of interesting da
ta of which a few highlights are given.