Development and growth of V1 begins during embryogenesis and continues
postnatally. The growth of V1 has direct implications on the organiza
tion of features such as the retinotopic map and the pattern of visual
cortical columns. We have examined the postnatal growth and two-dimen
sional shape of V1 in macaque monkeys, cats, and rats. The perimeter,
area, and anterior-posterior length of V1 were measured from unfolded
and flattened sections from neonatal and adult animals from each of th
ese species. Although there were substantial differences in the overal
l amount of postnatal growth, from 18% in macaque monkeys to more than
100% in cats, in all three species the shape of V1 did not change dur
ing development. Thus, growth of the mammalian visual cortex is well d
escribed as an isotropic expansion, so the layout of the global featur
es, such as the arrangement of ocular dominance columns and the retino
topic map, does not need to change during development. Furthermore, qu
antification of the shape confirms the observations that there is a si
milar; egg-like oval shape to the visual cortex of these mammalian spe