The aim of this paper is to contribute to the debate about the factors
determining the growing internationalization of small and medium firm
s originating from intermediate countries. The reason for selecting th
e Spanish innovating firms consists of the interest they have for anal
ysing the interaction between the characteristics they have as innovat
ory agents and their behaviour regarding the global economy. The paper
is developed from the following hypothesis: first, in the case of fir
ms of countries with a more recent history of opening up to the intern
ational economy, the patterns of overseas expansion combine different
kinds of elements such as factors included in the eclectic theory and
tacit components of the company advantages. Second, in the trajectorie
s followed by those firms some accumulative learning patterns can be f
ound. The starting point of this research is a previous one carried ou
t on the patterns of technological innovation of Spanish innovatory fi
rms. On this basis, I have combined two sources for obtaining relevant
data. The first consists of the creation of a data bank of innovatory
firms with 814 innovating companies.The second source is a survey car
ried out with those firms. The statistical analysis is made through th
e application of discriminant analysis and legit models. They are good
tools for systematic comparison between clusters and allow me to foll
ow a stepwise method for a close study of increasing complex internati
onal activity. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.