This paper proposes modifications to the labour demand shift-share mod
el set out in this journal by CASLER, 1989, to allow for its implement
ation and to extend its use to analyses of regional labour productivit
y growth. The paper begins by briefly outlining the theoretical basis
for the shift-share method provided in Casler's paper, and then goes o
n to present a specific reformulation of the model which incorporates
input price and technological growth effects on labour demand. These a
dditional effects are defined as productivity components within the sh
ift-share model, and the empirical and theoretical implications of the
modifications made are discussed in the paper. An empirical example o
f the results obtained through the modified labour demand shift-share
model is then provided for I;elected British regions. The paper conclu
des by outlining potential uses of the modified model for regional ana
lyses of labour productivity.