This article draws upon the experiences of four women in Glasgow (The
Researching AIDS Women's Group - RAW) who were involved in four differ
ent studies about HIV-related risk behaviours. Field research was cond
ucted in a number of research settings and included asking respondents
about details of their sexual behaviour. On a number of occasions thi
s was viewed as 'provocative' by male heterosexual respondents and led
to overt or covert sexual harassment. This article collates some of t
hese experiences and the strategies we developed to deal with them. Co
mparing our experiences with other fieldworkers we conclude that the c
ombination of a 'sexy' subject matter, in-depth interviewing, and our
age and gender and that of our respondents made us particularly vulner
able to being sexually harassed during fieldwork, but that all fieldwo
rkers are potentially vulnerable. We therefore urge that safety of fie
ld workers be given greater consideration.