Folding the separation channel in a microchip device generally introdu
ces an additional geometrical contribution to analyte dispersion throu
gh lateral variations in both migration distance and held strength. Th
e geometrical dispersion generated depends on the ratio of the analyte
transverse diffusion time to the time that the analyte band spends tr
aversing the turn. A one-dimensional model has been developed which pr
edicts the amount of excess dispersion introduced by turns in microchi
p channels. This model accounts for migration length differences, fiel
d strength differences, and transverse diffusion effects and accuratel
y describes the experimental data. The introduction of turns into the
channel on a microchip is shown to reduce separation efficiency compar
ed to the same separation length in a straight channel, especially for
molecules with small diffusion coefficients. Several methods to reduc
e geometrical dispersion are examined including the manipulation of ch
annel width and analyte velocity and the use of complementary pairs of