Rw. Kinne et al., RAT ANTIGEN-INDUCED ARTHRITIS - CARTILAGE ALTERATIONS ASSESSED WITH IODINE-123-ANTILEUKOPROTEINASE, The Journal of nuclear medicine, 39(9), 1998, pp. 1638-1645
Imaging of cartilage alterations was attempted in joints of rats with
chronic antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) using the cationic I-123-label
ed serine proteinase inhibitor antileukoproteinase (I-123-ALP; pl > 10
), which selectively accumulates in normal cartilage, presumably throu
gh interaction with negatively charged proteoglycans. Methods: Iodine-
123-ALP or I-123-myoglobin, a control protein of comparable size but w
ith different isoelectric point (pl = 7.3) was injected intravenously
into normal or AIA rats. Joint accumulation was followed by scintigrap
hy for 14 hr. Tissue radioactivity was assessed by well-counter measur
ements after dissection. The content of charged molecules in articular
cartilage was determined by toluidine blue staining; the degree of jo
int destruction was assessed in parallel by x-ray, ex vivo MRI and his
topathology. Results: In intact articular cartilage, ALP accumulated t
o a significantly higher degree than myoglobin. This preferential accu
mulation was lost in rats with chronic AIA. The target-to-background r
atio for I-123-ALP negatively correlated with the loss of toluidine bl
ue staining in cartilage, which documents depletion of charged matrix
molecules (r = -0.92, p < 0.01 at 4 hr; r = -0.97, p < 0.01 at 13 hr).
ALP scintigraphy was sensitive in detecting cartilage alterations, ev
en though the degree of joint destruction and inflammatory infiltratio
n was mild, as demonstrated by x-ray, MRI and histopathology, Conclusi
on: In rat AIA, loss of ALP accumulation appears to document proteogly
can depletion in mildly altered arthritic cartilage. ALP scintigraphy
may represent a functional assay for early, premorphological cartilage
alterations in human arthritis as well.