Background and Objective: The scientific rationale for pallidotomy as
a treatment for PD is that the lesion will reduce excessive tonic inhi
bition of the thalamus, thereby allowing movement to proceed more norm
ally. If true, then PD patients who move slowly while on medication sh
ould increase movement speed following pallidotomy. To test this we us
ed a simple motor task to determine if pallidotomy leads to an improve
ment in ''on'' motor performance when those movements are impaired bef
ore surgery. Methods: Nine patients with PD performed elbow flexion mo
vements ''as fast as possible'' while they were ''on'' before and 1 mo
nth after pallidotomy. Patients with mild PD and healthy control subje
cts were also tested. Results: The clinical effects of pallidotomy wer
e typical of those found in other studies. ''Off'' Unified Parkinson's
Disease Rating Scale scores improved and dyskinesias were reduced. Al
though before surgery the patients were far slower while they were ''o
n'' than the groups of mild PD patients and healthy control subjects,
there was no change in mean peak velocity while they were ''on'' after
pallidotomy. There was no change in other mean ''on'' motor performan
ce measures such as peak acceleration, peak deceleration, initiation t
ime, and symmetry. There was a decrease in the variability of peak acc
eleration, symmetry, and initiation time. Conclusion: Despite the clin
ical efficacy of pallidotomy while patients were ''off,'' bradykinesia
of elbow flexion movements while patients were ''on'' is not affected
by pallidotomy. Therefore, me conclude that the bradykinesia observed
in this experiment is due to a mechanism other than excessive tonic i
nhibition of the motor thalamus. Our results are consistent with the i
dea that pallidotomy reduces the noise from the abnormally functioning
basal ganglia.