Twelve Lactobacillus strains isolated from chicken intestine were used
to investigate acid and bile tolerance in vitro. Ten out of the 12 st
rains were slightly affected by 0.3% bile salts, showing a delay of gr
owth (d) of 0.6-37.2 min compared with growth in control cultures. Two
strains were not affected by the bile salts, Of the 12 strains, seven
could be arbitrarily classified as resistant (d < 15 min) and five as
tolerant (15 min < d less than or equal to 40 min). Lactobacillus str
ains from the caecum showed better tolerance to acid than those from t
he ileum. Generally, the survival of the ileal strains was very low at
pH 1.0 and 2.0, and moderate at pH 3.0. In contrast, caecal Lactobaci
llus strains could survive at pH 1.0 for up to 2 h of incubation; grow
th was moderate at pH 2.0 and good at pH 3.0 and 4.0.