The effectiveness of the Hydrodyne process and low voltage carcass ele
ctrical stimulation (ES), either alone or in combination, for tenderiz
ing muscle fr om callipyge and normal lambs was evaluated. One hundred
grams of explosive was used for the Hydrodyne treatment Reductions in
shear force with magnitudes of 33 to 67% were observed for the Hydrod
yne treatment for the longissimus (LM) muscle from callipyge and norma
l lambs, respectively. Carcass ES had no effect (P>0.05) on either cal
lipyge or normal lamb shear values. However, ES improved the response
(48%) of the Hydrodyne treatment in the LM of callipyge lamb. Shear fo
rce for semitendinosus muscles averaged 3.53 kg and showed no response
to either tenderizing treatment. Results suggest successful tenderiza
tion of lamb LM with the Hydrodyne technology.