The usual description of (2 + 1)-dimensional Einstein gravity as a Che
rn-Simons (CS) theory is extended to a one parameter family of descrip
tions of 2 + 1 Einstein gravity. This is done by replacing the Poincar
e gauge group symmetry by a q-deformed Poincare gauge group symmetry,
with the former symmetry recovered when q --> 1. As a result, we obtai
n a one parameter family of Hamiltonian formulations for 2 + 1 gravity
Although formulated in terms of noncommuting dreibeins and spin-conne
ction fields, our expression for the action and our field equations, a
ppropriately ordered, are identical in form to the ordinary ones. More
over, starting with a properly defined metric tensor, the usual metric
theory can be built; the Christoffel symbols and space-time curvature
having the usual expressions in terms of the metric tensor, and being
represented by c-numbers. In this article, we also couple the theory
to particle sources, and find that these sources carry exotic angular
momentum. Finally, problems related to the introduction of a cosmologi
cal constant are discussed.