Recent concern has centered on ''sick buildings'' in which there has b
een an unusually high percentage of health complaints by the building'
s occupants. Typically, these symptoms are thought to be tied to indoo
r air quality characteristics, such as high levels of respirable parti
cles or volatiles, thermal conditions, etc. In addition, recent studie
s have drawn connections between ''sick building syndrome'' (SBS) symp
toms and non-environmental variables, i.e., personal and occupational
factors. This paper presents a brief review of a study by Hedge et al.
(1995) and additional analyses of their data. In a study of 27 air-co
nditioned office buildings, Hedge et al. measured nine indoor environm
ental conditions at various locations within each building and concurr
ently questioned workers on sixteen SBS symptoms and a number of other
personal factors. The additional analyses presented in this paper att
empt to draw formal statistical connections between SBS symptoms and b
oth personal worker characteristics and indoor air pollutants simultan
eously. The analyses were based on symptom severity response variables
whic include information not only on the frequency with which an indi
vidual experienced a symptom, but also on how much the symptom disrupt
ed the individual's work. Results from sixteen linear mixed effects mo
dels indicate that significant predictors are primarily personal and o
ccupational in nature rather than environmental. For a number of the s
ymptoms, additional variability attributable to buildings exists. Howe
ver, any physical explanation of this variability remains unclear.