Feruvite occurs in the Ca-rich exocontacts of lepidolite-subtype grani
tic pegmatites in the Red Cross Lake pegmatite field, northeastern Man
itoba. The pegmatites intrude meta-andesitic to metabasaltic host-rock
s. In addition to tourmaline, exocontacts contain Cs- and Rb-rich biot
ite, Fe-rich muscovite, epidote, apatite, Ca-rich garnet, titanite, ca
lcite, quartz and arsenopyrite. The tourmaline is commonly zoned, with
a core of feruvite surrounded by schorl or dravite, and rimmed by uvi
te. The most extreme composition of feruvite analyzed is (Ca0.56Na0.39
)(Sigma 0.95) (Fe1.962+Mg0.81Ti0.04Mn0.01)(Sigma 3.00)(Al5.31Mg0.69)(S
igma 6.00)(BO3)(3)Si6.07O18 [(OH3.51)F-0.49](Sigma 4.00); the X, Y, an
d Z sites are dominated by Ca, Fe and Al, respectively. Magnesium is a
significant component at the Y and Z sites. In plane-polarized light,
uvite and dravite are mainly pale blue or blue, and feruvite and scho
rl are mainly dark blue. Brown schorl and feruvite tend to be rich in
Ti. The meta-andesitic and metabasaltic wallrocks provided the Fe and
Ca for contact-metasomatic reactions between the wallrocks and the int
ruding pegmatite to produce feruvite.