Disruptive agitation and psychotic symptoms are important problems in
the management of Alzheimer's disease and are major determinants of nu
rsing home placement. This article reviews interpretable, placebo-cont
rolled studies of psychopharmacologic approaches to the treatment of t
hese ''noncognitive'' psychiatric and behavioral problems. Clinical tr
ials of antipsychotic drugs demonstrate modest efficacy for psychosis
and agitation, but adverse effects are common. Trials of serotonin sel
ective reuptake inhibitors suggest they may be effective for emotional
disturbances complicating Alzheimer's disease. Trials of drugs that e
nhance central cholinegic activity (certain cholinesterase inhibitors
and selective M-1 muscarinic cholinergic agonists) demonstrate positiv
e effects on both cognitive deficits and noncognitive psychiatric and
behavioral problems. Further clinical studies are needed to provide gu
idelines for the management of noncognitive psychiatric and behavioral
problems in Alzheimer's disease.