Temperature-entropy diagrams are usually used to describe heat-driven
engines as well as vapour compressor refrigerators, but they have not
yet been used for sorption refrigeration. Such Carnot cycles are intro
duced here to describe three sorption refrigeration technologies (liqu
id absorption, solid adsorption, chemical reaction). This is performed
for basic cycles (without heat recovery) and for simple advanced cycl
es. Equivalent four-temperature Carnot cycles are obtained for basic c
ycles, whereas equivalent six-temperature Carnot cycles are obtained f
or advanced cycles. This approach shows that the quantity Delta H-T De
lta S (where Delta H and Delta S are the enthalpy and entropy variatio
ns associated with mass transfer during a cycle in/out of the sorbers)
plays the same role as the mechanical energy in vapour compression cy
cles. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd and IIR. All rights reserved.