Deeps cerevral venous system thrombosis is uncommon and is usually enc
ountered in children, generally in the neonatal period. In adults, thi
s pathology is even more exceptional. We report two cases in adults. D
eep cerebral venous system thrombosis mainly affects women taking oral
contraception. The most common clinical pattern combines headches and
confusion. A comatous state is rather exceptional. This pathology, fo
rmerly considered to have poor prognosis, has benefited from diagnosti
c and therapeutic progress. Favorable outcome has been achieved in sev
eral recent cases, as one of ours, without after-effects. Diagnosis, o
ften suggested by the CT-scan, is based on MRI associated with MRA. Th
rombus formation is easily diagnosed by MRI at the subacute stage, but
far less easily at the acute and chronic stages as the low signal is
identical to the normal flow void. MRA, in phase contrast or time of f
light sequences, is highly interesting at the acute phase. In case of
doubt, an angiography can be applied. Therapy is based on heparin. The
contribution of local infusion of thrombolytic agents, recently used
with success, remains to be determined.