Twenty free-ranging guanaco (Lama guanicoe) in Chubut Province, Argent
ina, were immobilized for health evaluations. All but two animals appe
ared to be in good condition. Hematology, serum chemistry, and vitamin
and mineral levels were measured, and feces were evaluated for parasi
tes. Serology tests included bluetongue, brucellosis, bovine respirato
ry syncitial virus, bovine viral diarrhea/mucosal disease, equine herp
esvirus 1, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, Johne's disease (Mycobac
terium paratuberculosis), foot and mouth disease, leptospirosis (17 se
rovars), para influenza-3, and vesicular stomatitis. Blood samples fro
m 20 domestic sheep (Ovis aries) maintained in the same reserve with t
he guanaco were also collected at the same time for serology tests. No
guanaco had positive serologic tests. Sheep were found to have antibo
dy titers to bovine respiratory syncytial virus, Johne's disease, lept
ospirosis, and parainfluenza-3. There was no apparent difference in ex
ternal appearance or condition, or statistical difference in blood tes
t values, between the animals that were positive or negative for paras
ite ova.