Most primary intracerebral and intracerebellar hemorrhages are hyperte
nsive, and the most common site is the basal ganglion. In typical basa
l ganglia hematoma, surgery offers no benefit, and such patients shoul
d be treated conservatively. Surgery is not indicated in pontine hemat
omas either. Cerebellar hematomas may block the circulation of the cer
ebrospinal fluid and cause an acute life-threatening hydrocephalus; th
erefore such hematomas should be operated on. Subcortical hematomas, w
hich are usually not associated with hypertension and may be due to tu
mor or vascular malformation, should as a rule be operated on. Carotid
angiography is necessary for most supratentorial hematomas to exclude
the presence of aneurysm or arteriovenous malformation. Secondary hem
atomas from ruptured arterial aneurysm should be operated on as urgent
ly as traumatic intracranial hematomas if the patient's level of consc
iousness is deteriorating and if there is severe neurological deficit.
Hematomas due to arteriovenous malformation must sometimes be evacuat
ed as an emergency measure if the patient is unconscious, and the malf
ormation should be excised if technically possible. The operation shou
ld preferably be postponed to the second week after the bleeding if th
e patient's level of consciousness is, not deteriorating, since the ma
lformation is more easily excised after the brain edema has subsided.
Hematomas associated with anticoagulant treatment should be evacuated
if the hematoma is expansive and if the patient is unconscious or somn
olent but the results are not very good. Hematomas of hemophiliacs sho
uld be evacuated, and these patients need an appropriate replacement t