We report an age-depth profile for the sediments of the Lake Hestvatn,
southern Iceland, based on C-14 analyses of the organic fraction of b
ulk sediment samples, molluscs and foraminifera, Our age-depth curve i
s supported by the occurrence of the well-dated Vedde ash in the lower
most part of the sediments. Comparison of foraminifera dates with the
age of the Vedde ash indicates a reservoir age of ca. 400 yr. The resu
lts suggest that the sediments at Hestvatn accumulated in a marine env
ironment until ca. 8700 BP and thereafter in freshwater.Owing to the l
ack of terrestrial macrofossils and the low concentration of molluscs
and foraminifera, we were forced to attempt to date most of the core w
ith the organic fraction of the bulk sediment samples. We found, howev
er, that this fraction is not homogeneous in density or C-14 age, we b
elieve that during sample pretreatment we managed to isolate a light o
rganic fraction, which closely represents the true age of the sediment
, whereas the denser fraction yields ages that are too high. This age
diversity may to some extent be explained by the large drainage area o
f the lake, from which plant remains of different ages may have been w
ashed into the lake.