Microknemometry, a novel non-invasive technique, allows the accurate m
easurements of the lower leg length in the conscious rat, not only dai
ly but even in periods smaller than 24 hours. Its use revealed the pre
sence of nonlinear growth increments (mini-growth spurts) with periods
between 4 and 5 days, that presented a gradual decline in amplitude w
hen the animals were getting older, and a maximal growth rate between
0600 h and 0900 h. A sexual dimorphic growth pattern could be establis
hed with females growing less and presenting spurts of lower amplitude
and smaller duration than males. High doses of recombinant human Grow
th Hormone (rhGH) stimulated growth velocity in female rates, but did
not show any effect on males. Neonatal Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) trea
tment reduced growth both in males and females. Growth hormone (GH) re
placement therapy in MSG treated animals was capable of increasing gro
wth velocity, from day 30 onwards. The recovery was partial in males a
nd complete in females. In intact male rats growth blockade induced by
fasting was not followed by a catch up effect after refeeding, althou
gh growth velocity tended to increase and a clear catch up effect on w
eight was detected. Male rats seemed to grow at a maximal speed over a
t least the first 60 days of life, that cannot be accelerated with GH
treatment, whereas female rats did respond to exogenous GH.