The economies and conveniences of telecommuting have made the technolo
gically sophisticated home office a growing phenomenon. Businesses, ho
wever, are facing a major challenge in extending the office network en
vironment to employees' homes. Many companies have developed highly in
tegrated enterprise networking solutions, which through a standardized
desktop allow users on a LAN or secured intranet to easily communicat
e and share data. When this connectivity is done properly-which is not
easy-both employee and employer benefit. But it also carries a risk b
ecause the enterprise does not control the home environment. How to tr
ansparently establish the trustworthiness of home machines so that the
ir interconnection to the enterprise can be extended via an internetwo
rk? This article describes a proposed solution, secure identity-based
loading. SIBL uses smart cards, operating system modifications, and ne
twork authentication to provide secure, economical, and transparent ho
me office environments.