A further examination of the Climax I and II randomized cloud-seeding
experiments has revealed the following. 1) Cloud seeding had no effect
on precipitation in Climax I after the Control stations had been chos
en halfway through the experiment. 2) Faulty execution of the randomiz
ation scheme resulted in a misleading precipitation climatology and a
misleading relationship between cloud-top and 500-mb temperatures for
the control days. 3) The method of assigning upper-level winds and tem
peratures to experimental days emphasized widespread, synoptic-scale w
eather systems with cloud tops far above 500 mb rather than the orogra
phic ''blanket'' clouds that were sought. 4) Particle trajectory calcu
lations show that it is unlikely that the silver iodide released from
the ground could have affected precipitation at Climax in southwest fl
ow, the category for which the greatest seeding effect was reported.