The Far Side cartoons of Gary Larson have been claimed to exemplify th
e nonsense (NON) humor type of the 3WD humor taxonomy (Kohler and Ruch
1994), where NON is characterized as having a structure in which ther
e is no resolution. Yet closer examination reveals three main difficul
ties with Kohler and Ruch's approach: (i) the cartoon sample size; (ii
) the raters' cultural background; and (iii) the interpretation of the
3WD as comprehensive. These difficulties are raised through a structu
ral analysis of 800 Far Side cartoons, using the Generalized Theory of
Verbal Humor (Attardo and Raskin 1991). Three distinct resolution typ
es emerge in this sample: FULL, PART and NONE, which pattern in signif
icantly non-random ways with other structural characteristics of the c
artoons, especially Target (TA) and Logical Mechanism (LM). It is show
n that the full range of resolution types is unlikely to be represente
d in Kohler and Ruch's sample, and that their German raters are likely
to lack crucial aspects of the cultural knowledge of TA and LM involv
ed in interpreting Far Side cartoons. An alternative interpretation of
Kohler and Ruch's results is proposed in which cultural knowledge pla
ys different roles in processing Far Side cartoons of different resolu
tion types.