The interspecific transformation of Bacillus subtilis by both free and
clay (montmorillonite)-bound DNA, isolated from B. amyloliquefaciens,
B. cereus, B. licheniformis, B. polymyxa, B, pumilus and B. thuringie
nsis, and from intergenotes obtained in the heterologous exchanges, wa
s investigated in non-sterile soil conditions. Transformation by free
heterologous DNA from all the species occurred at a very low frequency
, with the exception of DNA from B. amyloliquefaciens. Intergenotic DN
A was capable of transforming with a higher efficiency than heterologo
us DNA, similar to that of the homologous DNA. Heterologous transforma
tion by clay-DNA complexes was obtained only with DNA from B. amyloliq
uefaciens, while intergenotic DNA bound on clay transformed at a frequ
ency about one-two orders of magnitude lower than homologous DNA. Tran
sformation frequency in non-sterile soil was similar to that obtained
in the absence of nonsterile soil. The genetic distances among the Bac
illus species and the intergenotes were determined by the random ampli
fied polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fingerprinting technique. The results show
that B. subtilis is very similar to the intergenotes and B. amyloliqu
efaciens and more distant from the other Bacillus species.