The Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is associated with a tendency to self-
injury and a reduced sensitivity to painful stimuli. Somatosensory fun
ctions were studied in 5 children aged 11-13 years with PWS. Tactual p
erception in the hands (stereognosis) was apparently normal in 4 of th
em. Sensory nerve conduction velocities in the median nerve and latenc
ies for sensory evoked potentials were similar in the PWS subjects and
in 10 healthy controls indicating a preserved myelinisation of sensor
y nerve fibers in PWS. Sensory nerve action potential amplitudes in th
e PWS group were on an average only 40-50% of normal size (p = 0.03),
suggesting a reduced number of normal axons in the median nerve. The r
esults may be relevant for the impaired pain sensitivity in PWS becaus
e similar neurographic findings and a low density of peripheral nerve
fibers have been reported in patients with hereditary or congenital in
sensitivity to pain.