Spinal cord stimulation is an accepted treatment for neuropathic pain.
Technical advances in electrode design and better patient selection h
ave led to better and sustained pain control by these devices. Multile
ad electrical stimulation is the latest innovation in implantable elec
trostimulation (Mattrix, Medtronic Minneapolis, USA). Two combined mul
tipolar leads connected to a radiofrequency - coupled system can deliv
er electrical pulses of various amplitudes and pulse widths at differe
nt dermatome levels. Single stimulation is applied with different elec
trode configurations using both electrodes with identical stimulation
parameters. In dual stimulation, the amplitude and the pulse width can
vary between the electrode configurations. Dual channel stimulation h
elps steering stimulation paresthesias. Three patients illustrate the
technical advantages of dual channel electrostimulation in the pain re
lief at multiple sites. Two patients with failed back surgery syndrome
obtained more easily stimulation-induced paresthesias in the back and
the legs. Dual channel stimulation is cost saving in patients implant
ed with two electrodes. This is presented in a third patient with an e
lectrode in the thalamus - as pain treatment for cervicobrachialgia an
d a second in the epidural space - as treatment for the failed back su
rgery syndrome. These electrodes were connected to the Mattrix stimula