On the basis of the assumption that oxygen delivery across the endothe
lium is proportional to capillary plasma Pot, a model is presented tha
t Links cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen utilization (CMRO2) to cereb
ral blood flow (CBF) through an effective diffusivity for oxygen (D) o
f the capillary bed. On the basis of in vivo evidence that the oxygen
diffusivity properties of the capillary bed may be altered by changes
in capillary Po,, hematocrit, and/or blood volume, the model allows ch
anges in D with changes in CBF. Choice in the model of the appropriate
ratio of Omega = (Delta D/D)/(Delta CBF/CBF) determines the dependenc
e of tissue oxygen delivery on perfusion. Burton and Frank (J. Cereb.
Blood Flow. Metab. 17: 64-72, 1997) recently presented a Limiting case
of the present model in which Omega = 0. In contrast to the trends pr
edicted by the model of Burton and Frank, in the current model when Om
ega > 0, the proportionality between changes in CBF and CMRO2 becomes
more Linear, and similar degrees of proportionality can exist at diffe
rent basal values of oxygen extraction fraction. The model is able to
fit the observed proportionalities between CBF and CMRO2 for a large r
ange of physiological data. Although the model does not validate any p
articular observed proportionality between CBF and CMRO2, generally va
lues of (Delta CMRO2/CMRO2)/(Delta CBF/CBF) close to unity have been o
bserved across ranges of graded anesthesia in rats and humans and for
particular functional activations in humans. The model's capacity to f
it the wide range of data indicates that the oxygen diffusivity proper
ties of the capillary bed, which can be modified in relation to perfus
ion, play an important role in regulating cerebral oxygen delivery in