The rostral bones of the toothed whale, Mesoplodon densirostris, consi
st mainly of hypermineralized secondary osteons and have yielded among
the highest values for density (2.6 g/cm(3)) and mineral content (86.
7%) yet reported for any bone. Scanning and transmission electron micr
oscopy show parallel rods of mineral oriented along the length of the
rostrum, These consist of platey crystals of carbonated hydroxyapatite
, which, judging from electron diffraction, are extremely well and coh
erently aligned, The collagen component of the rostral bone consists l
argely of very thin fibrils aligned in longitudinal register to form t
ubular networks, The collagen fibrils are also aligned with the length
s of the mineral rods, which are apparently accomodated in the tubular
spaces of the collagenous network. This peculiar ultrastructure clear
ly differs from the densely packed mineralized fibrils commonly observ
ed in vertebrate lamellar osseous tissues, although histological exami
nation has indicated some vestiges of ''normal'' primary bone surround
ing the secondary osteons, Thus, the bone tissue in the rostrum is cha
racterized by a remarkably sparse collagenous component. This ultrastr
ucture can explain the high density, stiffness, and brittleness of the
rostrum that have been observed. It also raises interesting questions
about possible modes of crystal growth during ongoing mineralization
in normal bone, and may have some relevance in the mechanical behavior
of dense bones in pathological conditions. (Bone 23: 241-247; 1998) (
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