A study was conducted to characterize 318 Salmonella enteritidis strai
ns that were mainly isolated from poultry and their environment in Can
ada. Biotype, phagetype (PT), plasmid profile (PP), hybridization with
a plasmid-derived virulence sequence probe, antibiotic resistance, ou
ter membrane proteins (OMPs), and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) profiles we
re determined. Relationships of these properties to one another, and t
heir diagnostic and pathogenic significance were assessed. Biotyping i
ndicated that failure to ferment rhamnose was sometimes useful as a ma
rker for epidemiologically related strains. Phagetyping was the most e
ffective method for subdividing S. enteritidis; it distinguished 12 PT
s. Phagetype 13 was occasionally associated with septicemia and mortal
ity in chickens. The strains belonged to 15 PPs. A 36 megadalton (MDa)
plasmid was found in 97% of the strains. Only the 36 MDa plasmid hybr
idized with the probe. Seventeen percent of the strains were drug resi
stant; all strains were sensitive to cipronoxacin. Thirty-five of 36 s
trains possessed the same OMP profile, and 36 of 41 strains contained
smooth LPS.