Recently it has been suggested that high levels of cancer drug resista
nce and poor prognosis are strongly associated with gene or oncogene a
mplification (GA). It has been further suggested that the molecular me
chanisms underlying GA may be different for different genes, and that
different amplification mechanisms may function concurrently or sequen
tially in the same gene. The aim of this review is to demonstrate the
use of mathematical models in studying these intricate dynamics. We ha
ve provided mathematical models for the generation of extrachromosomal
elements, their autonomous replication and equal or unequal mitotic s
egregation, the integration of the extrachromosomal elements within th
e chromosomes, and chromosomal GA in one or many unlinked genes. Using
this formal description one can examine the potential role of each GA
mechanism in the generation of specific distributions of gene-copy nu
mber in a cell population, under various levels of selection stringenc
y. Thus one can specify the conditions for the emergence of drug-resis
tant mutants prior to selection, as well as the relationships between
the stringency of the selecting environment and the characteristics of
the resultant cellular phenotype.