Too many managers in the West are intimidated by the task of managing
technology. They tiptoe around it, supposing that it needs special too
ls, special strategies, and a special mind-set. Well, it doesn't, the
authors say. Technology should be managed-controlled, even-like any ot
her competitive weapon in a manager's arsenal. The authors came to thi
s conclusion in a surprising way. Having set out to compare Western an
d Japanese IT-management practices, they were startled to discover tha
t Japanese companies rarely experience the IT problems so common in th
e United States and Europe. In fact, their senior executives didn't ev
en recognize the problems that the authors described. When they dug de
eper into to leading companies that the Japanese themselves consider e
xemplary IT users, they found that the Japanese see IT as just one com
petitive lever among many. Its purpose, very simply, is to help the or
ganization achieve its operational goals.The authors recognize that th
eir message is counterintuitive, to say the least. In visits to Japan,
Western executives have found anything but a model to copy. But a clo
ser look reveals that the prevailing wisdom is wrong. The authors foun
d five principles of IT management in Japan that, they believe, are no
t only powerful but also universal. M. Bensaou and Michael Earl contra
st these principles against the practices commonly found in Western co
mpanies. While acknowledging that Japan has its own weaknesses with te
chnology, particularly in white-collar office settings, they neverthel
ess urge senior managers in the West to consider the solid foundation
on which Japanese IT management rests.