Any rational map f is induced on the Riemann sphere by a homogeneous n
on-degenerate polynomial map F on C-2. By the work of J. E. Fornaess a
nd N. Sibony or J. Hubbard and P. Papadopol, one knows that b Omega(F)
, the boundary of the basin of attraction of F at the origin, is Levi-
flat above the Fatou set of f. Nothing is known about b Omega(F) when
the Fatou set of f is empty. In this direction, we characterize the La
ttes rational maps by a geometrical property of b Omega(F). It turns o
ut that these basins, which we explicitely describe, are the first exa
mples of essentially strictly pseudoconvex domains which do admit non-
injective proper holomorphic self-maps. (C) Elsevier, Paris.