The results of studies on the chemical structure and physiological act
ivity of phanerogam polysaccharides, accumulated within the last two d
ecades, are reviewed. Three types of polysaccharides are considered: r
hamnogalacturonans (pectins and related gums and mucilages, type A), a
cidic arabinogalactans (mainly plant mucilages, gums, and some hemicel
luloses, type B), and neutral glucans and heteroglycans (reserve polys
accharides, type C). Various physiological activities of these plant p
olysaccharides are discussed, with particular emphasis being placed on
their immunomodulatory action. The data available on the relationship
between chemical structure and physiological activity of plant polysa
ccharides are considered. Information on the medicinal use of some pla
nts containing physiologically active polysaccharides is presented.