The intensive study of the Arctic skua (Stercorarius parasiticus) popu
lation on Fair Isle has provided an example of the maintenance of a st
able polymorphism by sexual selection in conjunction with assortative
mating (O'Donald, 1983). We tested several of O'Donald's hypotheses us
ing data collected from the large colony of Arctic skuas on Foula. The
re was some evidence for assortative mating of the phenotypes but this
did not confer any short-term fitness advantage. In contrast to the s
ituation on Fair Isle, we found little indication that sexual selectio
n took place for dark males since no differences in timing of breeding
or productivity were evident between the two male phenotypes in new p
artnerships. Nor could we detect variation in adult body size, body co
ndition, or any life-history characteristic between melanic and pale b
irds of either sex. Many of the selection pressures documented on Fair
Isle appear to be absent at the neighbouring Foula, despite a fair de
gree of gene flow between these colonies. The frequency of pale adults
on Foula and in Shetland as a whole has declined since the 1970s, ind
icating that currently directional selection may be favouring the mela
nic phenotypes at the southern end of the breeding range.