Unreplicated ecosystem experiments can be analyzed by diverse statisti
cal methods. Most of these methods focus on the null hypothesis that t
here is no response of a given ecosystem to a manipulation. We suggest
that it is often more productive to compare diverse alternative expla
nations (models) for the observations. An example is presented using w
hole-lake experiments. When a single experimental lake was examined, w
e could not detect effects of phosphorus (P) input rate, dissolved org
anic carbon (DOC), and grazing on chlorophyll. When three experimental
lakes with contrasting DOC and food webs were subjected to the same s
chedule of P input manipulations, all three impacts and their interact
ions were measurable. Focus on multiple alternatives has important imp
lications for design of ecosystem experiments. If a limited number of
experimental ecosystems are available, it may be more informative to m
anipulate each ecosystem differently to test alternatives, rather than
attempt to replicate the experiment.