When laser pulses irradiate the surface of the sample WO3, an interest
ing coloration effect is obtained. Only by one pulse of XeCl laser irr
adiation (wavelength: 308 nm, pulse duration: 36 ns, output power: 100
mJ/pulse), a significant color change appears. X-ray photoelectron sp
ectroscopy (XPS) shows that a partial reduction process of WO3 occurs
and conduction band electrons appears. X-ray diffraction pattern indic
ates that the lattice parameters of the colored samples are increased.
A molten layer can be seen in scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imag
e. It may be concluded that the coloration effect of pulsed laser unde
rgoes a process different from that of electro- or photo- chromism, an
d may be attributed to thermochromism and substoichiometric WO3 is for
med. The coloration process is characterized by its high speed and sta