A case of ovarian mucinous cystadenocarcinoma with malignant mural nod
ules is reported. The patient was a 28-year-old Japanese female (gravi
da 0, para 0) with a 2 year history of increasing abdominal fullness a
nd edema of the lower extremity. Physical examination showed a large m
ass in the abdomen. An abdominal ultrasound and computed tomography de
monstrated a multilocular cyst with a solid component. Lymph node and
distant metastases were not found. These tests were followed by surger
y. The resected right ovarian tumor measured 25 x 22 x 18cm. On cut se
ctioning, it was multilocular with multiple mural nodules. Microscopic
ally, the cyst wall was lined with papillary infoldings of atypical mu
cinous epithelium (intestinal type). Nuclear stratification, cribrifor
m and back-to-back glandular patterns and stromal invasion were observ
ed. In addition, the solid area of the mural nodules showed spindle or
polygonal cells with increased mitotic activity including atypical mi
toses. Nuclear pleomorphism was marked. Necrosis and hemorrhage were a
lso present. Reticulin stain showed these pleomorphic cell clusters ci
rcumscribed by reticulin fibers and these cells were immunoreactive fo
r vimentin and p53.