Recruitment fisheries oceanography studies the impact of the environme
nt on the annual production of young to fished populations (finfish as
well as invertebrates). Interannual variation in recruitment is the m
ost important source of biological variability facing fisheries manage
rs. Because most variation in recruitment occurs during early, mainly
planktonic stages, recruitment fisheries oceanography usually integrat
es studies of plankton and physical oceanography. The concepts upon wh
ich these studies rest were first expressed in the late 1800s by Spenc
er Fullerton Baird, the first Commissioner of the US Commission of Fis
h and Fisheries. These concepts appear to have been independently deve
loped by Johan Hjort and others in northern Europe in the early 1900s,
and brought back to the United States through contacts between Hjort
and Henry Bryant Bigelow, who passed the ideas to his students at Harv
ard University, including Lionel Albert Walford and Oscar Elton Sette.
Although both Walford and Sette did their initial work in recruitment
fisheries oceanography off the US east coast, as federal fisheries sc
ientists, they were sent to California in response to the decline of t
he sardine fishery, where they incorporated the ideas of Hjort into th
e programme that has become the California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheri
es Investigations (CalCOFI). The original plan for CalCOFI research wa
s to provide a test: of Hjort's ideas. Scientists working with CalCOFI
implemented this plan and conducted subsequent research that had its
roots in the ideas expressed by Baird. This research was in marked con
trast to the fishery-yield orientation of most fisheries research that
was being conducted at the time on the west coast of North America, u
nder the dominating influence of William Francis Thomyson. In recent y
ears, federal fisheries programmes have investigated recruitment proce
sses of a number of other fish stocks, and considerable effort has bee
n expended toward refining the conceptual framework beyond the hypothe
ses of Hjort. This paper expands on this history, making note of scien
tists who were particularly important in the evolution of this discipl
ine. We conclude that although recruitment fisheries oceanography has
become a well-established field of study, and many technological advan
ces have been made, the recruitment process is still not well understo
od and fluctuations in year-class abundance remain a major source of u
ncertainty in managing marine fisheries.