Embryonic development is readily compromised by imperfections introduc
ed during the process of oocyte maturation. We discuss the nature and
causes of these imperfections, particularly in oocytes exposed to inap
propriate hormonal regimes in vivo or to culture systems designed to i
nduce the maturation of oocytes in vitro, The acquisition of developme
ntal competence involves the synthesis and storage of a wide range of
molecules during oocyte growth followed by the reprogramming and order
ed utilization of these stored products during maturation, fertilizati
on and early embryogenesis. The regulatory signals for these molecular
changes are produced by the follicle cells in response to circulating
levels of gonadotrophins; we report that some ovarian stimulation pro
tocols distort these signals thereby disrupting molecular reprogrammin
g of the oocyte and reducing subsequent developmental competence. The
aspiration of immature oocytes from antral follicles followed by their
maturation in vitro is a potential alternative to hormonal stimulatio
n of patients in IVF treatment. Although relatively successful in a va
riety of animals, the production of fully viable human embryos by in-v
itro maturation is still unsatisfactory despite the use of a wide vari
ety of culture protocols, Our data suggests that the key to maturation
and embryo viability in vitro resides in the follicle cell compartmen
t rather than the oocyte. Because of rapid luteinization changes, foll
icle cells in culture probably fail to provide the maturing oocyte wit
h the necessary ordered set of instructive signals and nutrients neede
d for the acquisition of developmental competence. Although much remai
ns to be discovered about the nature, concentration and transmission o
f signals, nevertheless it is already clear that different steroids, m
atrix metalloproteinases and growth factors are involved in conferring
viability on the maturing oocyte. Major improvements in the yield of
viable embryos from in-vitro matured oocytes can be anticipated from a
systematic analysis of somatic signals from the pre-ovulatory follicl