Microarray technology makes it possible to simultaneously study the ex
pression of thousands of genes during a single experiment. We have dev
eloped an information system, ArrayDB, to manage and analyse large-sca
le expression data. The underlying relational database was designed to
allow flexibility in the nature and structure of data input and also
in the generation of standard or customized reports through a web-brow
ser interface. ArrayDB provides varied options for data retrieval and
analysis tools that should facilitate the interpretation of complex hy
bridization results. A sampling of ArrayDB storage, retrieval and anal
ysis capabilities is available (www.nhgri.nih.gov/DIR/LCG/15K/HTML/),
along with information on a set of approximately 15,000 genes used to
fabricate several widely used microarrays. Information stored in Array
DB is used to provide integrated gene expression reports by linking ar
ray target sequences with NCBl's Entrez retrieval system, UniGene and
KEGG pathway views. The integration of externa I information resources
is essential in interpreting intrinsic patterns and relationships in
large-scale gene expression data.