We have used comparative genomics to identify 26 Escherichia coli open
reading frames that are both of unknown function (hypothetical open r
eading frames or y-genes) and conserved in the compact genome of Mycop
lasma genitalium. Not surprisingly, these genes are broadly conserved
in the bacterial world. We used a markerless knockout strategy to scre
en for essential E. coli genes, To verify this phenotype, we construct
ed conditional mutants in genes for which no null mutants could be obt
ained. In total we identified six genes that are essential for E. coli
(yhbZ, ygjD, ycfB, yfil, yihA, and yjeQ), The respective orthologs of
the genes yhbZ, ygjD, ycfB, yjeQ, and yihA are also essential in Baci
llus subtilis. This low number of essential genes was unexpected and m
ight be due to a characteristic of the versatile genomes of E. coli an
d B. subtilis that is comparable to the phenomenon of nonorthologous g
ene displacement. The gene ygjD, encoding a sialoglycoprotease, was el
iminated from a minimal genome computationally derived from a comparis
on of the Haemophilus influenzas and M, genitalium genomes. We show th
at ygjD and its ortholog ydiE are essential in E. coli and B. subtilis
, respectively. Thus, we include this gene in a minimal genome. This s
tudy systematically integrates comparative genomics and targeted gene
disruptions to identify broadly conserved bacterial genes of unknown f
unction required for survival on complex media.