This paper presents a numerical method to evaluate close approaches of
two satellites. The algorithm is based on a space curve modeling tech
nique originally developed by Overhauser, presented here as an indepen
dent derivation. The method to determine minimum spacing between two s
pace objects is based on creating a relative distance waveform, delta(
t), versus time. The waveform is produced from either uniform or arbit
rarily spaced data points, from which intervals of close approach are
obtained by extracting the real roots of a localized cubic polynomial.
This method is free of both transcendental equations and the computat
ion of acceleration terms of the two objects of interest. For this stu
dy a close approach truth table is constructed using a 0.1 second sequ
ential step along the orbits, then differencing the two position vecto
rs. The close approach entrance and exit times for an ellipsoidal quad
ric surface are then located using a piecewise linear interpolator, an
d serve as a benchmark for comparison. The simulation results show thi
s algorithm produces encounter times almost identical to those in the
truth table, with a 99.84% reduction in computer runtime. The results,
created from real orbital data, include solution sets for three opera
tional uses of close-approach logic. For this study, satellite orbital
motion is modeled using first-order secular perturbations caused by m
ass anomalies.